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300 HR Online Yoga Teacher Training
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Free Ebooks
Yoga Figures
200 HR Recap
200 HR Recap Lesson Overview And Assignments
Understanding Different Styles of Yoga - 200 HR Recap
Five Bandhas Of Yoga - 200 HR Recap
Asana Foundations - 200 HR Recap
Sequencing Foundations - 200 HR Recap
Chakra Yoga Therapy - 200 HR Recap
Subtle Energies Of Yoga - 200 HR Recap
Understanding Different Body Types - Tension & Compression
Lesson Overview And Assignments
Tension vs Compression Summary
Yoga Today
Yoga Today Lesson Overview And Assignments
The Ancient Yogic Texts
Key Influencers Of Yoga
Yoga History Timeline
Yoga Today Quiz
The Bhagavad Gita
The Bhagavad Gita Lesson Overview And Assignments
Bhagavad Gita Chapters 1-2
Bhagavad Gita Chapters 3-4
Bhagavad Gita Chapters 5-6
Bhagavad Gita Chapters 7-9
Bhagavad Gita Chapters 10-13
Bhagavad Gita Chapters 14-18
Working With Injuries
Working With Injuries Lecture Overview And Assignments
Working With Injuries Introduction
Common Causes Of Injuries
Understanding And Assessing Injuries Part I
Understanding And Assessing Injuries Part II
Hip Injuries
Hip Injuries Video (20:11)
Hip Injuries Quiz
Knee Injuries
Knee Injuries Video (17:26)
Knee Injuries Quiz
Spine Injuries
Spine Injuries Video (20:58)
Spine Injuries Quiz
Wrist And Shoulder Injuries
Wrist And Shoulder Injuries Video (16:24)
Wrist And Shoulders Injuries Quiz
Neck Injuries
Neck Injuries Video (16:15)
Neck Injuries Quiz
Advanced Pranayama
Advanced Pranayama Lesson Overview And Assignments
Pranayama Practice Log
Introduction To Advanced Pranayama
Breath Retention
Breath Retention Video (7:15)
Bellows Breath
Bellows Breath Video (6:11)
Chanting Breath
Chanting Breath Video (6:05)
Skull Shining Breath
Skull Shining Breath Video (4:16)
Pranayama Quiz
Alignment And Sequencing
Alignment And Sequencing Lesson Overview And Assignments
Having An Objective
Sequencing Overview (40:35)
Sequencing Puttering + Sun Salutations (50:01)
Sequencing For Backbends (49:12)
Sequencing For Inversions (49:56)
Sequencing Open Standing Postures (49:45)
Sequencing The Cool Down (27:52)
Sequencing Savasana (41:14)
Sequencing Assignment
Additional Resources
Ayurveda Science
Ayurveda Lesson Overview & Assignments
An Introduction to Ayurveda (63:34)
Kapha Dosha (44:06)
Pitta Dosha (52:58)
Vata Dosha (46:10)
Incorporating Ayurveda Into Your Yoga Practice and Teaching (38:21)
Advanced Asanas
Advanced Asanas Lecture Overview And Assignments
Advanced Asanas Introduction
Asana Practice Logs
Additional Resources
Warm Up Poses
Extended Puppy (0:56)
Frog (1:05)
Staff (0:43)
Easy Twist (0:50)
Thread The Needle (8:10)
Ardha Uttanasana Twist (9:13)
Child's Pose Side Bend (8:13)
Lunge Twist (9:09)
Siddhasana (12:58)
Vajrasana (11:54)
Lizard Variations (8:52)
Child's Pose Variations (8:13)
Shoulder Opening Poses
Urdhva Hastasana Variation (Hooked Thumbs) (8:53)
Garudasana Arms (3:55)
Urdhva Namaskarasana (4:44)
Gomukasana Arms (Standing) (5:34)
Urdvha Baddhanguliyasana (3:49)
Paschima Baddhanguliyasana (3:50)
Open Standing
Virabhadrasana 2 (9:09)
Utthita Parsvakonasana (17:32)
Parighasana (8:53)
Neutral Standing
Prasaritta Padottanasana 2, 3 & 4 (15:36)
Closed Standing
Humble Warrior (0:50)
Uttanasana (11:38)
Padangusthasana (4:26)
Padahastasana (4:20)
Revolved Standing
Parivrtta Trikonasana (11:42)
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana (5:56)
Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana (11:35)
Standing Balance
Ardha Chandra Chapasana (8:16)
Urdhva Prasaritta Eka Padasana (5:48)
Natarajasana (5:46)
Bird of Paradise (10:57)
Uttihita Hasta Padangusthasana A (7:35)
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana B (6:10)
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana C (Parvritta) (5:25)
Fish (1:07)
Sphinx (0:46)
Purvottanasana (6:06)
Supta Virasana (11:01)
Paryankasana (5:33)
Urdhva Dhanurasana Variations (Straight Legs, Toes) (8:09)
Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana (4:28)
Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana (5:06)
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (9:06)
Hanumanasana (4:23)
Parsva Dhanurasana (4:22)
Forward Bends
Marichyasana I (5:34)
Janu Sirsasana (4:25)
Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana (6:04)
Parsva Upavistha Konasana (4:32)
Baddha Konasana (5:58)
Paschimottanasana (5:49)
Seated Poses
Malasana (1:03)
Gomukasana Arms (Sitting) (6:20)
Malasana 2 with Bind (1:52)
Padmasana (12:09)
Compass Pose (4:45)
Seated Twists
Ardha Matsyendrasana (12:44)
Marichyasana 3 (6:42)
Abdominal Poses
Urdhva Prasaritta Padasana (5:11)
Jathara Parivartanasana (7:16)
Ubhaya Padagusthasana (5:13)
Anantasana (6:41)
Arm Balances
Koundinyasana 1 (4:26)
Astavakrasana (5:32)
Eka Hasta Bhujasana (6:45)
Tittibhasana (4:08)
Eka Pada Bakasana 1 (9:43)
Eka Pada Bakasana 2 (4:54)
Eka Pada Galavasana (5:51)
Vashistasana (8:24)
Eka Pada Sirsasana 1 (6:22)
Eka Pada Sirsasana 2 (5:27)
Eka Pada Sarvangasana (6:05)
Parsvaika Pada Sarvangasana (4:53)
Reclined/Cool Down
Knees To Chest (0:46)
Reclining Big Toe (0:58)
Reclining Bound Angle (0:51)
Reclining Pigeon (1:00)
Setu Bhanda Sarvangasana (19:08)
Cross Bolsters (13:49)
Supta Baddha Konasana Variations (9:53)
Viparitta Karani Variations (17:28)
Chair Yoga Poses
Adho Mukha Svanasana (5:13)
Uttanasana (7:04)
Utthita Trikonasana (11:12)
Utthita Parsvakonasana (5:20)
Virabhadrasana 1 (7:57)
Parsvottanasana (8:39)
Virabhadrasana 3 (6:44)
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (4:00)
Seated Spinal Twist (8:04)
Chair Forward Fold (3:10)
Seated Forward Folds (6:45)
Viparita Karani (6:09)
Yoga For Special Groups
Lesson Overview And Assignments
Prenatal Yoga (46:03)
Yoga for Seniors
Yoga for Kids (20:18)
Yoga For Special Groups Quiz
Advanced Teaching Techniques
Advanced Teaching Techniques Lecture Overview And Assignments
Sequencing Introduction
Exploring Different Learning Styles
Understanding Your Audience
Teaching To Beginners
Teaching To Intermediate And Advanced Students
Teaching Mixed Level Classes
Principles To Keep Students Coming Back To Classes
How To Create Inspiring Classes
Additional Resources
Yoga Teaching Ethics
Lesson Overview And Assignments
Ethics For Yoga Teachers
YogaRenew Code Of Ethics
Ethics Quiz
Advanced Meditation Techniques
Advanced Meditation Techniques Lesson Overview And Assignments
Meditation Practice Logs
Introduction To Meditation Techniques
Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness Meditation Video (10:47)
Loving Kindness Meditation
Loving Kindness Meditation Video (17:43)
Vipassana Meditation
Vipassana Video (11:33)
Gazing Meditation
Gazing Meditation Video (9:51)
Chakra Meditation
Meditation Techniques Quiz
Additional Resources
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra Lesson Overview And Assignments
Yoga Nidra Inroduction
Stages Of Yoga Nidra
Setting A Sankalpa
Preparation And Teaching Tips For Yoga Nidra
Waterfall Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra to Balance Vata Dosha
Yoga Nidra Script Sample
Additional Resources
Yoga Teacher Personal Development
Lesson Overview And Assignments
How To Develop A Positive Lifestyle And Mindset
Personal Practice
Inspiration To Teach
Self Care And Burnout
Body Acceptance And Body Positivity
Goal Setting
Creative Visualization
Additional Resources
The Yoga Sutras
Yoga Sutras Assignment
Eight Limbs of Yoga
Lesson Overview And Assignments
Eight Limbs Of Yoga Workbook Assignment
Advanced Class Themes
Advanced Class Themes Lesson Overview And Assignments
Yoga Class Themes
Yoga Class Theme Samples
75 Weekly Class Themes Ebook
Advanced Themes Quiz
Sound And Mantra
Sound And Mantra Lesson Overview And Assignments
Nada Yoga And Sacred Sounds
Mantra Meditation (4:17)
Sound And Mantras Quiz
Yoga Mythology
Yogic Mythology Lesson Overview And Assignments
Introduction To Yogic Mythology
Yogic Mythology
Yogic Mythology Quiz
Seva Community Teaching Assignment
Seva Community Service Assignment
300 HR Final Exam
Final Exam
Course Completion
Course Completion Checklist And Steps
Supporting Material and Live Calls
Exploring Sanskrit Through Yoga Poses (73:15)
Teaching Tips For Yoga Teachers (56:36)
The Art Of Sun Salutations (77:19)
Yoga And Common Injuries (53:58)
Yoga Class Theme Expedition (60:57)
Mindful Eating (67:06)
Articular Joints Health And Longevity (62:59)
Propping Standing Poses (77:06)
Arm Balances And Inversions: Tips And Tricks (55:59)
Yoga And Pregnancy (51:00)
8 Limbs Of Yoga (61:01)
Use Of Language And Voice (48:56)
Pranayama Techniques (60:40)
Dharma And Karma Explanations (45:07)
The Yoga Sutras Explained (57:56)
Creating Aligned Connections (72:16)
Demonstration, Observation, Assisting, And Correcting (40:22)
The History Of Yoga And Old Texts (52:12)
Exploring Sanskrit Through Poses II (49:56)
Reclining Big Toe Pose Seminar (37:14)
Sphinx Pose Seminar (43:55)
Pigeon Pose Workshop (50:53)
Standing Split Workshop (37:50)
Traction Action For The Lower Back (48:23)
Sequencing: Warm Up & Sun Salutation
You Flow: Warm Up & Sun Salutation
Dissecting the Poses: Sun Salutations
Sequencing: Arm Balances
You Flow: Arm Balances
Dissecting the Poses: Arm Balances
You Flow: Inversions
Dissecting the Poses: Inversions
Sequencing: Backbends
You Flow: Backbends
Dissecting the Pose: Backbends
Yoga Nidra Practice (48:43)
Yoga Nidra And The 8 Limbs Of Yoga (41:10)
Yoga Nidra And The Koshas (42:54)
Teaching To Different Skill Levels (51:31)
Teaching Workshops (57:25)
The Business Of Yoga: Setting Up Your Yoga Business For Success (57:04)
Mindfulness In Everyday Life + Practice (48:58)
Accessible Arm Balances (56:29)
Cueing Safe Transitions In Vinyasa Practice (53:52)
Transitions With Ease (52:42)
Zoom Call Recordings
Zoom Call Recording Links
Breath Retention
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