Renew You: A Vision-boarding + Goal Setting
Let's create a clear vision for the life of your dreams
Vision Boarding can change your life.
Yes, that's a pretty bold statement.
But, with the tried-and-true process you'll learn in this course, it's also 100% accurate.
This approach has been proven for 8+ years, and it's going to help you manifest big dreams that you never thought were possible-- and we can't wait to join you on that journey.
This Vision Boarding process goes beyond basic arts + crafts (though there's some of that too) to get you focused on the big dreams you want to achieve AND start making those dreams a reality.
Here's how it works...
Through journal exercises, figure out where you're at now, + plan where you want to go next.
Set your goals + create your Vision Board. Plus enjoy a guided meditation to help you.
Create action steps so you DO what you need to in order for your big dreams to come true.
Get started now!
What's included?
- 5 mini video lessons to help you set goals, create your vision, + plan for your dream future.
- A downloadable interactive workbook for journaling + inspiration
- A guided meditation to help clear your mind, connect to your intuition, + leave you feeling inspired.
- My proven process for creating a Vision Board that manifests magic in your future.
How long does it take?
- This mini-course is meant to be completed in 3-5 hours, including cut + paste time!
Who is the teacher?
Hi there-- I'm Kate! 
I’m a yoga teacher + trainer, online educator, speaker, + wellness entrepreneur living and loving life with my husband + son (that’s him in the picture!) in a little mile-square city called Hoboken, NJ.
I’m obsessed with: rainbow sprinkles, Harry Potter, cooking-in on a Saturday night, and-- you guessed it-- visionboarding.
7 years ago I was trapped in a job that left me unfulfilled + unhappy and now I run multiple businesses and support and live my dream life by doing what I love.
If you’re here, I’m going to guess we have a lot in common.
And I'm really glad we found each other.
Get started now!
Important note:
This mini-course teaches you all the steps you need to create a Vision Board at home. BUT, you'll need to make sure to have a few materials on-hand including: poster board, some magazines/newspapers/books, glue, + scissors {annndd maybe some snacks + beverages of choice... but those are totally optional!)